About me

Hi! Welcome to my website!

My name is George, I am a Researcher and Lecturer at the Department of Psychological & Behavioural Science at the London School of Economics and a Research Advisor at Gallup. In 2019, I founded a company specialising in evaluating and designing policies, the Ethos Lab – Centre for Governance and Sustainability Research

My research primarily focuses on what people think and subsequently do.

I use applied microeconometrics (quasi-experiments) and experimental methods to examine behavioural phenomena in politics and economics with large, naturally occurring data sets.


You can find my current work under Papers as well as on SSRN and OSF, and current projects under Research.

My work has been covered in media such as The Economist, The Nation, The Daily Caller as well as To Vima and Kathimerini (in Greek).

Please also find details about my Fieldwork and Research Team.


Currently teaching an M.Sc. course on causal inference for Behavioural Science. You can details on the course website and for older classes under Teaching.